IMPRS board of representatives

IMPRS board of representatives 2023+:

Major decisions concerning  the IMPRS-HD program are made by the IMPRS board.

Examples are questions concerning funding, considerations of the IMPRS course program. Also questions about the inter-institional collaboration (HGSFP, Graduate Academy, etc) will involve the board. Other issues may be critical personel decisions, such as the selection of the IMPRS fellowship candidates, or the IMPRS membership in case of non-standard membership applications.

Overall, the board is responsible for the performance and the progress of the IMPRS program.

Members of the IMPRS board:

Spokesperson Max Planck institutes Prof. Dr. Hans-Walter Rix
Spokesperson University institutes Prof. Dr. Saskia Hekker
ZAH institute representative Prof. Dr. Friedrich Roepke
MPIK institute representative Dr. Brian Reville
MPIA institute representative PD Dr. Coryn Bailer-Jones
HITS institute representative
Dr. Fabian Schneider
HGSFP representative Prof. Dr. Joachim Wambsganss
Coordinator astronomy teaching PD Dr. Andreas Koch-Hansen
IMPRS coordinator Prof. Dr. Christian Fendt
Student representatives of the four "active" student generations
Eric Rohr (16th), Molly Wells (17th), Florian Schulze (18th), Dimitris Chazigiannakis (19th)
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