IMPRS seminar

IMPRS seminar summer  term 2024

This is the webpage for the ongoing IMPRS seminar. For past seminars please check the links to the seminar archive above.

The IMPRS seminar provides a central meeting opportunity for all IMPRS fellows for scientific and social exchange. 

In the winter term, the IMPRS seminar is held as a literature seminar ("Oberseminar") with presentations about of current research highlights and/or fundamental papers in the astrophysics literature.
In the summer term, the IMPRS seminar is held as an advanced research seminar ("Fortgeschrittenenseminar") with the IMPRS fellows presenting their thesis project.
After the 1st academic year of an IMPRS generation, the IMPRS seminar continues in the 2nd year as a seminar workshop - an external retreat of 3-4 days during which the IMPRS fellows present an update of their thesis project.



    Current IMPRS seminar  -  summer  term 2024
 Seminar room R105,   Philosophenweg 12
Date:    Thursday, 17:30 - 18:45        Starting date:  18.04.2024
Tutors:    Hemrik Beuther  (HB) , Christian Fendt (CF)
   Please prepare for a strictly <25 min presentation plus 5-10 min discussion.
        IMPRS will check for regular attendence
   Seminar schedule:
Speaker Topic
 15/04   departure
   1st-year retreat Trieste  
 19/04   return
      visit to SISSA  
  Natascha Sattler
  Resolving physical conditions in the Trifid Nebula with SDSS-V LVM   HB
 25/04   Anna Lena Schaible
  Simulation-based inference for galactic outflows using NIHAO and GECKOS   CF
 02/05   Hossein Rahmati
  A Fundamental Relation between Supermassive Black Holes and Their Host Galaxies  (Ferrarese & Merritt 2000)   HB
 02/05   Johannes Bennemann
  Measurement of the Rate of nu_+d ->p+e- interactions produced by 8B Solar neutrinos at the SNO  (Ahmad et al. 2001)   CF
 16/05   Jonas Sauter
  Detection Limits of Thermal-Infrared Observations with Adaptive Optics   CF
 16/05   M. Paola Vaccaro
  Specks of light from AGNs as possible indicators of dynamical formation of binary black holes   HB
 23/05   David Trevascus
  PDS 70: Our Window into Planet Formation   CF
 23/05   Klaudia Protušová
  Proximate galaxies as windows into cosmic reionisation   HB
 06/06   Karin Kjellgren
  The dynamical impact of cosmic rays in Milky Way-like galaxies   CF
  Johannes Bennemann
  SWGO Trigger Simulation and Optimization   HB
 13/06   Iliana Cortes
  Disentangling the Interplay of the Inner Regions of AGNs Via Probabilistic Photometry   CF
 13/06   Veronika Lipatova
  Modeling the formation of the first and second generations of stars   HB
 20/06   Anirudh Ravishankar   Simulating bursty star formation in galaxies at the Epoch of Reionization   CF
 20/06   Simon Reyes Reyes
  Measuring accretion rates onto high-mass protostars with JWST   HB
 27/06   Dominik Ostertag
  Streaming instability on a global scale   CF
 27/06   Michael Cecil
  SETI: The Stability and Evolution of The Inner protoplanetary disk   HB
 04/07   Angelique Kahle
  What Hubble can teach us about sub-Neptunes: from flat spectra to planetary characterization   CF
 04/07   Richard Hoppe   Red giants as probes of nucleosynthesis and Galactic chemical evolution   CF
 11/07   Johanna Mueller-Horn   Search for Galactic binary systems with compact companions   CF
 11/07   Navonil Saha   The dynamics of Spin on Super Massive Black holes   HB
 18/07   Joris Josiek
  Evolution of the atmosphere and wind structure of very massive stars   CF
 18/07   Elisa Schösser   Spectroscopic analysis of metal-poor massive stars in the Magellanic Bridge   HB
 18/07   Abhinna Samantaray   Steps Towards Solving the Enigma of Multiple Populations in Star Clusters   CF
  Nina Mackensen   FUV spectral analysis of DO-type white dwarfs and PG 1159 stars   CF
 25/07   Daniel Walter   Likelihood-free Inference of Star Cluster Parameters  with Normalizing Flows   HB
 25/07   Dimitris Chatzigiannakis   Inferring the thermal and chemical structure of the ICM: insights with TNG-Cluster   CF
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