Shuyu Tan (China)
Exxploring Local Bubbles by employing high-resolution 3D magneto-hydrodynamic simulations
Our Sun is located within a cavity of low-density, high-temperature plasma, surrounded by a shell of cold, neutral gas and dust known as the Local Bubble. Synthetic observations suggest that the walls of the Local Bubble may contribute non-negligibly to the detected polarized emission at 353 GHz inside the cavity. To fully understand this contribution, however, more accurate models are needed—ones that incorporate realistic star formation, the Galactic potential, and Galactic environments, using advanced computational techniques with high accuracy and efficiency.
This PhD project aims to explore the implications of the Local Bubble for both Galactic and extragalactic observations by employing high-resolution 3D magneto-hydrodynamic zoom-in simulations of Milky Way-like galaxies, using the moving-mesh code Arepo. The research will focus on generating and analyzing synthetic observations of Local Bubble analogues, including dust polarization emission maps and magnetic field properties, to deepen our understanding of local magnetic field measurements. Additionally, this work seeks to provide valuable insights into the interpretation of cosmic microwave background polarization measurements, aiding in the detection of E/B modes that may arise from cosmic inflation.
Supervisor: Ralf Klessen (ITA)