Cade Buergy

Cade Buergy  (Germany)

buergy @

From Disks to Planets: connecting the inner and outer disk regions with multi-wavelength observations

In the past years, the gas and dust structure in protoplanetary disks around young stars have been extensively observed. It is generally assumed that planets form from the material within those disks to then evolve into exoplanetary systems. From the thousands of detected exoplanets, we have detailed knowledge on the statistics of their system's architecture. However, it is unclear how exactly the planets form, and how different disk characteristics influence planet formation and can be mapped to planetary system architectures. The planet-disk interactions, as well as the time and place of planet formation within disks play a crucial role in shaping the final planetary systems.

During my PhD, I will aim to connect the inner disk and the outer disk regions of transition disks, that are dramatically affected by the presence of giant planets. With a multi-instrument approach using VLT facilities, ALMA, as well as JWST, I will in particular study the physico-chemical properties of the terrestrial-planet forming region close to the central young stellar object.

Supervisor: Myriam Benisty (MPIA), Giulia Perotti (MPIA)