The 19th IMPRS Summer School


This webpage provides information for the 19th Heidelberg Summer School on the topic of

                                     New Opportunities to Test Cosmology


The 19th Heidelberg Summer School takes place September 2-6 in the "Mathematikon", more specifically in the Institute for Computer Science,  IWR,  address "Im Neuenheimer Feld 205" (or "INF 205"), seminar rooms A-C (ground floor).


   IMPRS for Astronomy and Cosmic Physics at the University of Heidelberg (IMPRS-HD):

   Max Planck Institute for Astronomy (MPIA); Max Planck Institute for Nuclear Physics (MPIK); Center for Astronomy of Heidelberg University, ZAH (Astronomisches Rechen-Institut, ARI; Institute for Theoretical Astrophysics, ITA;  Landessternwarte Koenigstuhl, LSW); and the Heidelberg Institute for Theoretical Studies (HITS).

Scientific organizing committee:   

   Hans-Walter Rix (MPIA),   Bjoern-Malte Schaefer (ARI),  Luca Amendola (ITP)

School lecturers:

   Camille Bonvin  (Geneva University)

   Shirley Ho  (Flatiron Institute, New York)

   Benjamin  Joachimi (U. College London)

   Alessandra Silvestri (Leiden University)

Scope of the School:

   Cosmology is both, a mature field and one with fundamental open questions that may be tackled over the next years:

   - How can GR and inflation as a framework be tested further?

   - What physics describes the accelerated expansion of the Universe?

   - What are the dark matter constituents?

   - Do we understand clustering on the largest (and smallest) scale?

   - Is there evidence for new physics in cosmology?

   For many, but not all, of these questions the combination of astrophysical theory, exciting new data and stringent, innovative modelling are the path forward. In particular, a number of experiments to tackle these questions are finally reality: the Euclid mission, the DESI and eROSITA surveys, and soon the LSST/Rubin and the Roman Space Telescope.  But progress requires a combination of

   - a broad view of the different approaches to similar questions

   - rigorous analysis of the (often vast) data sets

   - understanding the theoretical modelling tools

   - application of machine learning methods for data analysis

   The goal of the Summer school is to better bridge – for a subset of the approaches – the graduate-lecture basics with devising actual tests of cosmological models. The main – but not exclusive – focus will be on gravitational lensing and galaxy large-scale structure. The topics that will be covered include: (i) a  review of the theoretical framework, (ii) cosmology with gravitational lensing, (iii) cosmology with galaxy large scale structures, and (iv) machine learning and inference in cosmology.

School format  

   The school has four main components spread throughout the week

    1. A series of structured lectures given by the five lecturers.

    2. Problem-solving sessions based on the topics given in the lectures.

    3. Presentations by local experts to open specific scientific problems.

    4. A social program to enable and encourage scientific interaction between students, lecturers and speakers.

Further information / registration

- Applications cannot be accepted after the deadline.

- Here you can find more information about directions & accomodation.

- Here is a link to the program.

- Here is a link to the list of participants.