Starting year 2011

7th IMPRS generation - starting year 2011

The year book lists all students who started as a generation in the same year.

Last name First name Supervisor / institute Thesis link
Abbas Mohammed Grebel / ARI thesis
Anorve Gabriel Klessen / ITA //
Arrigoni Battaia Fabrizio Hennawi / MPIA thesis
Baczynski Christian Klessen / ITA thesis
Banados Torres Eduardo Walter / MPIA thesis
Brandt Tobias Just / ARI //
Büdenbender Alex van de Ven / MPIA thesis
Caldu Primo Anahi Walter / MPIA thesis
Cielo Salvatore Maccio / MPIA thesis
Dittkrist Kai-Martin Klahr / MPIA thesis
Drazkowska Joanna Dullemond / ITA thesis
Fabris Agnese Bartelmann / ITA thesis
Feng Fabo Bailer Jones / MPIA thesis
Feng Siyi Beuther / MPIA thesis
Gerner Thomas Beuther / MPIA thesis
Giannini Emanuela Wambsganss / ARI thesis
Hanson Richard Bailer Jones / MPIA thesis
Hegde Siddharth Kaltenegger / MPIA thesis
Kacharov Nikolay Koch / LSW thesis
Kapala Maria Sandstrom / MPIA thesis
Mahmoud Mohamed Wagner / LSW //
Majer Charles Bartelmann / ITA thesis
Manjavacas M. Elena Henning / MPIA thesis
Maseda Michael Rix / MPIA thesis
Malygin Mykola Henning / MPIA thesis
Nardin Alberto Just / ARI thesis
Penzo Camilla Maccio / MPIA thesis
Proft Svea Wambsganss / ARI thesis
Rybizki Jan Just / ARI thesis
Sarli-Waizmann Eleonora Bartelmann / ITA thesis
Sasaki Mei Klessen / ITA thesis
Schnülle Kirsten Pott / MPIA thesis
Schönebeck Frederik Grebel / ARI thesis
Singh Robert Jahnke / MPIA thesis
Stepanovs Deniss Fendt / MPIA thesis
Stürmer Julian Quirrenbach / LSW thesis
Szucs Laszlo Dullemond / ITA thesis
Vickers John Grebel / ARI thesis
Yildirim Akin van de Ven / MPIA thesis
Yurin Denis Springel / HITS thesis