Starting year 2005

 1st IMPRS generation - starting year 2005

The year book lists all students who started as a generation in the same year.

Last name First name Supervisor / institute Thesis link
Anguita Timo Wambsganss /ARI thesis
Barnabe-Heider Marik Schoenert / MPIK thesis
Bocchi Matteo Camenzind / LSW thesis
Boudreault Steve Bailer Jones / MPIA thesis
Budjas Dusan Hampel / MPIK thesis
Chen Xuepeng Henning / MPIA thesis
Esquivel Oscar Fuchs / ARI thesis
Franco Rico Isabel Lisker / ARI thesis
Golombek Irina Bartelmann / ITA thesis
Heinzeller Dominikus Duschl / ITA thesis
Hennemann Martin Lemke / MPIA thesis
Hnatic Slavomir Aharonian / MPIK thesis
Janson Markus Brandner / MPIA thesis
Mignone Claudia Bartelmann / ITA thesis
Nicol Marie-Helene Meisenheimer / MPIA thesis
O’Sullivan Jamie Camenzind / LSW thesis
Rodriguez Victoria Mundt / MPIA thesis
Schwemmer Stefanie Wagner / LSW //
Smolcic Vernesa Schinnerer / MPIA thesis
Tam Pak Hin Wagner / LSW thesis
Vannoni Giulia Aharonian / MPIK thesis
Zatloukal Michael Roeser / MPIA thesis
Zhukovska Svitlana Gail / ITA thesis
Ziegler Emanuel Bartelmann / ITA //
Zub Marta Wambsganss / ARI thesis